Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Datagrid in Winforms

uff!! i was looking out for customizing datagrid to contain various columns with different column styles.
  1. i want the first column to have option buttons
  2. i want the next 3 columns as text
  3. i want the next column containg a reference field (reference field are those which acts as foreign keys to the particular data ) . These data are brought from different table so it would act as a combo column
  4. I want the next one to contain a button saying Add .. when i say add i want a new line to be created in the middle of the column.
  5. These columns should be bound to a datatable :(

If it had been web grid then the easier method is to add a template column but since this i require in winforms i need to inherit and make a custom control and make the grid look like this.

Still trying to figure out if there is any shorter method to this..


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