Google cheats its clients and pays back them the money
Google, in yet another controversy to avoid a lawsuit in which it has been blamed for cheating its clients is paying back the money charged for the advertising clients.
Click fraud concerns hound Google
Associated Press
Posted Sunday , May 07, 2006 at 15:13
San Francisco: John Thys still has not figured out how much his company has paid Google Inc for bogus sales referrals caused by 'click fraud' - a sham aimed at a perceived weakness in the Internet search leader's lucrative advertising network.
But Thys says he has uncovered enough of it to conclude that Google is trying to shortchange his company and thousands of other advertisers by offering refunds totaling $60 million to settle a lawsuit.
"It's almost like an insult that they expect us to take this token money," said Thys, director of Internet marketing for
Google also expects to pay $30 million to the lawyers who settled the case on behalf of advertisers, raising the settlement's total value to as high as $90 million.
An Arkansas judge is expected to consider the proposed class-action settlement in late July.
The refunds, which will be provided in the form of advertising credits, are meant to compensate Google's customers for undetected click fraud, which contributed to the $13.3 billion in ad revenue that has poured into the company since 2001.
Google's offer works out to a $4.50 refund on every $1,000 spent in its vast advertising network over the past four-and-a-half years.
Meanwhile, independent studies assert that anywhere from $100 to $400 of every $1,000 stems from click fraud.
If those estimates prove correct, Google might be on the hook for $1 billion to $5 billion in advertising refunds
its like paying 4.50$ for every 1000$ back... Hmm...lets google the money ;)
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