Smart Worker Vs. Hard worker
The couple of days (today & yday) had been terrfic. yday was the first part of teched, and today happen to be a special meet with Deepak on WML (word markup language) and Infopath. Boy!! those are really cool. I liked it and thanks a lot to deepak. Infact the best thing was the smart tags, those were literally brilliant. I wrote a smart tag @ my PC, whenever it sees a word called Ajay it showed up the tag saying "Want to browse ajay's blog?" and "want to browse ajay's teched experiences" or want to search for ajay. Believe me , when i saw its more purpose i was flabbergasted.
Anyway thats not the topic what i wanted to discuss. I had been telling my guys @ verizon about Hardwork Vs. Smart work. There are always two kinds of programmers one who wrote teh entire code of hellolo world in 16 different languages or one who wrote a webservice and consumed it in the 16 langauges. Both did the same job , but one did a lot of hello world writings ,the other one learnt just 16 ways of consuming webservices, both were good @ programming and gave the output what i want, tell me who is smart ?
Instead of going to incidents, i would tell you what i wanted to tell you. Knowing a technical knowledge is pretty difficult task if you donot understand why you would require it. It is same for any technical persons yday or tomorrow or today to me. I wont understand the real purpose of any language if i dont see the practical usage of it (my theory is why learn something which is not usable), and my friend said why not learn ? Learning it and if you do not know the real purpose and when the real purpose comes and you do not to use it , then the entire excercise of learning it is a waste.
Working from 9 Am - 5 Am is very common in this technical industry and what one has not seen is a person working for atleast last one year from 9 AM - 5 PM (i am talking only about indian s/w professionals). The amount of research he is involved in technology is quite good. He works smart and other who work 20 hrs a day understanding what he got to understand in 4 hrs is working hard. Both achieves the goal. So, i wanted to ask the 9-5 guy on how he manages his research and also his other work. It all happend due to the stern belief of something called as Knowlege sharing.
When you share your knowledge your knowledge doubles and your beliefs doubles while when you dont its halved. I dont know who said this. Today, i believe it more strongly.
When we started our Chennai .NET users group , i remember there were hardly very few guys who were working on .NET and today the CNUG itself has 1200 fellow members in the group. The usual span of any new language which requires a different paradigm talks nearly 5 years for us (technical guys) to master it. VB was there for lonnnnnnnnng time and the no of people who actually mastered it are still very few. But today the people who know .NET are much more. Earlier guys worked very hard to understand the technology and it took much time to learn and much time for people to grow, and the learning was very difficult. Now, in the advent of the new paradigm the understanding and assimilation of knowlege happened in no time. There is a huuuuuge market and the people are nearly enough to fill in. The Gap is narrowed down, This is what i call smart working. If people had to work hard to learn technology, then the projects that needs to come would have not come. The Smart working of many others who saw potentially sharing of knowlege as a medium to narrow the gap made the Indian Industry a big one .
This is what i call smart working. Ok, my articles (the articles i write) needs to carry a message. Hard working is required when you are the early goer (that itself is smart) and smart working is required when there are more than one guy to lead. With hardworking you can earn 100 bucks where as smart working 1000 bucks (ask a economist or mail me, i shall blog the justification).
Working hard to learn technology is a big deal. But when someone has invented the wheel, why the hell are you trying to do it. When eric describes on how to write multi-dimensional arrays, why do you want to re-write the whole article just point it to the right address.. will it not do?
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