Friday, September 19, 2003

Eric is fun..

Eric , does show how a normal human is. There are few problems which he does not accept or forgot to add. First, he blames Visual studio for the right to see the code run now.. I worked in a team of 40 on my first com/dcom project way back in 98'. i know a guy who had almost all the lines the red line (bookmarks) and every line did get the yellow highlighter. He almost debugged every piece of his code. This is done pre-release, he neither worked on punch cards nor on abacus.

Ok!! whats the relation? I just wanted to put across that its the attitude of the programer. Definitely not everyone wants to run their software until they know that their code is correct. Though, even though and although the functionality is avbl , if i feel my code is not ok, i dont compile it. I dont want my compiler to give me a list of errors (i hate it). Infact in VS .NET the most irritating part is the error list i hate to see it . VB was cool . Its the spolit kids of C++ who would see the errors like this spoiled our VB in the form of VS .NET.

Anyway, Eric its inhuman to blame ourselves when you are doing a work where our competency level is equal to teh degrees on the tip of himalayas . Why dont u try to fix up the solution for your pool instead of small bug patches. Yeah !! i think microsoft has spoit you in here ;) jus kiddin.


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