Thursday, May 08, 2003

Good news...

It seems aish is back to normal. Its a very good sign for ash lovers. But still the perrenial problem salman is disturbing her.
Anyway, now she has confirmed that she is going to the cannes film festival.. Its a +ve sign for the indian cinema as such.

But, when do people trouble others
1. when people dont like them to either extreme
2. when people like someone to the core.

I think salman's over possesiveness caused him such a drastic failure in his life. If only....he had little broad minded
yeah...everyone has counterfactual thinking and the thinking should reflect in their actions.

Coz, thots are not read by others only action speaks.. So, if someone loves someone it has to be explicitly first mentioned, then the other person should not feel that the love is holding .... Love is meant for freedom not for bondage. Only when this clearly understood people's love would be happy... anyway wait for my next blog..

Tips for Creating a Concise Resume
by Kim Isaacs, MA, CPRW, NCRW Resume Expert

Are you asking yourself any of these questions:

How long should my resume be?
How can I fit all my experience on one page?
What can I eliminate, and what should be highlighted?

In this time of mass confusion, the solution is simple: Use common sense. If you are just graduating, have fewer than five years of work experience or are contemplating a complete career change, a one-page resume will probably suffice. Some technical and executive candidates require multiple-page resumes. If you have more than five years of experience and a track record of accomplishments, you will need at least two pages to tell your story.

Your Resume Is Not an Autobiography

Can a hiring manager see my main credentials within 10 to 15 seconds?
Does critical information jump off the page?
Do I effectively sell myself on the top quarter of the first page?

The Sales Pitch

Because resumes are quickly skimmed during the first pass, it is crucial your resume gets right to work selling your credentials. Your key selling points need to be prominently displayed at the top of the first page.

Use an Editor's Eye

Many workers are proud of their careers and feel the information on a resume should reflect all they've accomplished. However, the resume shouldn't contain every detail.

Eight Tips to Keep Your Resume Concise

1. Avoid Repeating Information.

2. Eliminate Old Experience.

3. Don't Include Irrelevant Information.

4. Cut Down on Job Duties.

5. Remove "References Available Upon Request."

6. Use a Telegraphic Writing Style.

7. Edit Unnecessary Words.

8. Customize Your Resume for Your Job Target.

This is a summary of the full article..for the full article please go to