Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Visual studio


what is this new animal ? A horse ,!! this is the latest Visual Studio Team Systems

The VSTS is a powerful combination for all the stakeholders of the project.

we call them

Project Managers
Business Analysts , So on and so forth.

the tools which each one of them use is tied with the visual studio .

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Teched !!

Teched 2004 has started. This is one of the biggest events for microsoft . And this is for 3 days in chennai :) 11,12,13 <> ... so almost 6 days of not working ;).

I am doing nothing unlike Anand who is handling a session on T-SQL and Ado .NET 2.0. I envy him.... anyway, its good for him too and hopefully for those who are attending it.

Having tatoos all over me (jus 2 ). So, will keep updating more as and when i get some time :)

Have a nice day

Monday, August 09, 2004


What happens when you had been jobless for consecutive two days... Thank god!! internet was there otherwise life would be a sahara. Anyway, i was reading few blogs (gee!! mostly journalists, caterers and non-techie people) for a change. I felt belittled, few ppl have 40 posts and still has over 50000 visitors but i have almost 147 and yet cud not reach the 2k mark. too bad !! why dont u all people visit my site ??

Bloody hell!! i will start writing something interesting if you want me to :) (if you dont want me to, i will still keep writing something uninteresting )..

Life has no live...but it does to exist (you are breathing ;)


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