Friday, September 19, 2003

White paper

Gotdotnet has a white paper (not literally). you can get the Multilingual Whitepaper . This is pretty good!! Thanks to arpan

2nd consecutive day
Hey its teh 2nd consecutive day to have my blog more than 10 visitors ;) . Also my blog its the 2nd consecutive day to have more than 1 blog and its the first time i ever wrote properly. I think now i am hooked. So lots more to come.

I am planning to open one purely on office probs i might convert my Teched blog to office blog later.

Eric is fun..

Eric , does show how a normal human is. There are few problems which he does not accept or forgot to add. First, he blames Visual studio for the right to see the code run now.. I worked in a team of 40 on my first com/dcom project way back in 98'. i know a guy who had almost all the lines the red line (bookmarks) and every line did get the yellow highlighter. He almost debugged every piece of his code. This is done pre-release, he neither worked on punch cards nor on abacus.

Ok!! whats the relation? I just wanted to put across that its the attitude of the programer. Definitely not everyone wants to run their software until they know that their code is correct. Though, even though and although the functionality is avbl , if i feel my code is not ok, i dont compile it. I dont want my compiler to give me a list of errors (i hate it). Infact in VS .NET the most irritating part is the error list i hate to see it . VB was cool . Its the spolit kids of C++ who would see the errors like this spoiled our VB in the form of VS .NET.

Anyway, Eric its inhuman to blame ourselves when you are doing a work where our competency level is equal to teh degrees on the tip of himalayas . Why dont u try to fix up the solution for your pool instead of small bug patches. Yeah !! i think microsoft has spoit you in here ;) jus kiddin.

Delegates, Components, and Simplexity
A Conversation with Anders Hejlsberg, Part III
by Bill Venners with Bruce Eckel

one of the articles i read and read and read and still reading.. I shall surely write a review after i understand it fully. I am yet to completely read it. I wish i wud have that patience to read it completely.

A microsoft chap in the linuxworld

I strongly could boo someone and say who talks about the coffee cups. Hey fellas look @ microsoft. Lets talk productivity and usability. Whats point in building solutions after solutions and apps after apps when you and i know the universal truth that they are not usable.

Lets talk about ease of use and lets talk about minimal usage of tools to achieve what i want. I used linux on one of my m/cs long back and sweared never to use it again. The Penguins are more disturbing. They lack usability. I always used to sell my solutions using this

99 people can make a 100% effective full functional tool and not fit - to -use. Lets make one tool with very less functionality , but 100% fit - to - use. You know what it is .. Anyway for the fun which Josh had. Boy!! its one of the articles which differentiates josh from a nerd ;).

The best article i ever read

Hey....seems that my organisation (not the 1 i work, but the 1 i like!! ) is misunderstood. Alas how true. The internet week article by Rob Enderle tells all.

Yeah Rob, i second your words. Its the most misunderstood organisation. Today since Microsoft is successful people are talking about litigations. If it had been one another like what netscape was , probably people would have forgotten all these things. I always had a friend who said Being popular and successful is always a problem. Its a twin-edged sword.

Yeah...i wanted to write these. found this to be a better place. If you are interested read on!!

Moreover, When Billg ( i wud prefer to call him like this..Coz "g" is a respectable word when it seconds a name in India) calls productivity there are few losers (aka hackers) who try to point out the glitches.

I always wondered are these losers creating virus coz of glitches then i found the real truth is its not due to glitches but due to pure jealousy. People are jealous about Microsoft, they fear them. So this is an act of defense of these people so that lets make it cry. This is a weak sign of the losers.

The real purpose of computers are to improve productivity. So Bill we support you. We just love the company for what it has done. It has improved leaps and bounds of my time. Today i can do my MBA in a remote corner of the world and still be connected with office for my day to day activities. Who else can give me such flexibility!! .

The internet ATM has come ...when is the mobile banking gonna come ??

Hey...Atlast i found the weblog address of Kevin Hammod . His write up on paypal the internet ATM is one of the class. Well, i was just thinking of mobile banking. Ok!! the concept is this.

i go to a shop, i dont need to carry my Credit cards nor my wallet. I just go in take my mobile phone click on the banking network and credit the shop account and buy my goods and walk off.

So using Kevin's example.. I would suggest while playing poker , why move your back unnecessarily from teh chair towards a laptop connecting to internet. Instead have your mobile phone login to your mobile banking account , should have credited andrews with the money thro' his phone (and andrews would check his account for transaction to complete).

For security reasons what should be done is for an every txn to happen, both the receiver and teh sender should be hooked on to the mobile banking (or atleast one of them to mobile and the other in some way or other) and both should authorise thro' a public encryption and private encryption mechanism to avoid fraudlent txn to happen.

Voila.. This is the kind of idea i had been lingering on my mind for years . But today's technology seems to help me out. Kevin ...why dont we work on this ??

more to follow..stay tuned !!

Book on J2EE and .NET compatability toolkit by Simon Guest

Discover how to develop solutions that interoperate between the Microsoft .NET Framework and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)—and expand your customer reach in the process. Whether you have a background in .NET or Java, this invaluable reference presents numerous interoperability techniques and solutions you can implement in your own applications, including security, routing, and transaction Web services. Author Simon Guest maintains a neutral stance while detailing the pros and cons, best practices, and workarounds of each strategy or solution presented. Abundant code samples and popular third-party interoperability products, such as GLUETM from The Mind ElectricTM (TME), help illustrate even the most complex compatibility practices. The companion CD includes the Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE), Ja.NET bridging software from Intrinsyc, and the TME GLUE Web Services Toolkit.

for more info..

All dot net books

This site provides all the avbl .NET Books. Have fun.

Secure,Reliable, transacted Web services - Architecture and composition thot i will update you only little technical. There is a very good article on webservices by IBM Corporation Donald F. Ferguson, Tony Storey & Microsoft Corporation Brad Lovering John Shewchuk on writing Secured, reliable web services. It talks about reliable messaging, WS- Security, Transport mechanisms (HTTP , HTTPS) , WSDL and lot more on Web Services. You can find this @ MSDN site

Web Services Protocol Workshops for US only

Hey....its unfair for the US chaps to have web services workshops. Web Services Protocol Workshops (Workshops) are events that you can attend to learn about and give feedback on advanced Web Services protocol specifications (WS-* specs).

There are 3 of them in the pipeline. I believe more to come .. Microsoft !! why dont the Indian developers have a chance kinda on the latest technology ??

Now its payback time for verisign

you would have read yesterday about verisign diverting the empty sites to their site finder site. And ISC bringing a new patch to bypass this s/w service. Now an orlanda (Florida) based cybersquatting company has sued Verisign on this . According to the lawsuit, the company contends alleges antitrust violations, unfair competition and violations of the Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act. For more information on this ..

Another day....and another virus

Its so depressing to read somewhere the name virus...Nowadays virus are more associated to Microsoft. I understood couple of things now

1. People still love challenges
2. Virus writers are incapable suckers

Coz, when Microsoft said we will make Microsoft products to be an anti-virus prone softwares, people across the world left,right and centre started poking holes on Microsoft products (read only Microsoft products!!). Being popular and good is not ok!! . You should be a technically brilliant, but a incapable loser to gain respect amongst the people.

These people who write viruses i dont think they write it for fun. They have lost much in their life and wanted to see the downfall of others , these losers are pessimists and they want to bring down the optimists (better people) to their level , so that they can atleat beat these folks by experience, as they

Dont argue with fools, they bring you down to their level and beat you by experience

Aah!! i forgot to mention the new virus !! I often get carried away by such folks anyway.
There is a new worm that is targeting the Internet Explorer .. For further info on how

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Good news

Shipments of Windows servers rise

“Shipments of servers loaded with the Windows operating system grew more than shipments of any other server-and-software combination last year, new research shows.“

Read the entired article here.

Courtesy: Alex Lowe's Weblog.

Cell - phones spread bacteria

ever believed when someone said non-living organisms spread diseases .. Now you goto believe it. Check it out

Verisign site finder to be bypassed
its become a dog-eat-dog-world. Now the ISC (internet software consortium) is planning to release a patch so that the verisign's site finder is gonna stop..

Find more info ... and read the full article !!

wishes in whidbey

Eric has blogged his wishes in whidbey and has asked for some more ...have a look at
this and pass on your comments.

Hey make sure yuo ask him now itself, for we are going to use it :::!

Microsoft is expanding

Microsoft is not only expanding at the junior level but also (has) expanded in the senior level.
They have added two new directors into their firm.

The company said it would increase its board to 10 members from eight. Microsoft said the board had nominated unanimously BMW Chairman Helmut Panke, 57, and former AT&T Vice Chairman Charles H. Noski, 51.

For more info...

An under graduate comes up with a nuclear fusion reactor

Betcha, you would not believe me, until you saw this . I was quite stunned, the way this young chap has thought. When i used to be in school, we were either weird but not this kind. tell me what do you think about him :) I feel quite thrilled ;)

We are Teched

Hey!! thats a cool number. I think we will be the biggest group from the same company for teched. I just sent out a mail to all my folks in Verizon India, to make themselves into groups so that we attend alll the sessions in Teched and share whatever we learnt in Teched back @ office. Oops!! been a tough day ..

A good article on SQL

Being a science student, i had a fascination towards numbers and so history became my fav subject for quite sometime (since it contains years and they are numbers which again interest me).

But why am i talking to you on this when the topic is on SQL. Yeah!! i forgot to mention that its been 10 years since SQL came into being . Just after one year of VB;s existence SQL also came in. I just can't believe its been 10 years !! anyway, there is an Eric Brown on SQL Past present and future.. I am so excited to read about the future. Man!! this is gonna change lots of paradigm ::::

A typo...goto

Hey ...its weird but its true, verisign has created a s/w such that any mistake in the web address of any .com or .net site would lead you to site. Though its weird, but its been there for undue critisicms (typo!!).

More news on cnet

Windows Small Business Server 2003 released to manufacturing
The small business server final code has been sent to manufacturing...more details in the link.

typing speed and the spelling mistakes

I was just wondering about the speed i type the words adn the number of spelling mistakes i do. I just noticed a pattern that almost all the time the mistakes that i do are only when there are 3 letters in the word. Its like saying every 3rd child is chinese, so i named my kid chin-chin-cha.

So i was speaking to one of my friend he confirmed that the typo's happen mainly for the three letter words coz, you would type the 3rd letter faster than the 2nd letter in the 3 letter word. I dont know how far that is true, but i noticed that he was correct and the mistakes i do are majorily in the three letter words ...

anyway, until my next blog :)


My new blog
I have started a new blog for blogging my Tech-ed experiences. I am an alumni for this teched. Tech-ed in India is a festival of technology. This reminds me of the long queues, and no-so-good-looking-girls in the IT industry :).

anyway....hope you will like that one also :).. this reminds me of that i dont blog properly in this site. I have decided to pitch in more technical info now onwards ;).


Google challenges

Google had tied up with topcoder for conducting a competetion amongst programmers which is a $10000 prize money. Cool...registration opens on the 1st of october.

Have fun :)