White paper
Gotdotnet has a white paper (not literally). you can get the Multilingual Whitepaper . This is pretty good!! Thanks to arpan
Few writings sometimes wise and sometimes otherwise
White paper
2nd consecutive day
Eric is fun..
Delegates, Components, and Simplexity
A microsoft chap in the linuxworld
The best article i ever read
The internet ATM has come ...when is the mobile banking gonna come ??
Book on J2EE and .NET compatability toolkit by Simon Guest
Secure,Reliable, transacted Web services - Architecture and composition
Web Services Protocol Workshops for US only
Now its payback time for verisign
Another day....and another virus
Verisign site finder to be bypassed
wishes in whidbey
Microsoft is expanding
An under graduate comes up with a nuclear fusion reactor
We are 16...in Teched
A good article on SQL
A typo...goto verisign.com
Windows Small Business Server 2003 released to manufacturing
typing speed and the spelling mistakes
My new blog
Google challenges