wierd Thots
Weird Thoughts
Do fish get thirsty?
What happens to the fish when lightning hits the water?
What part of a fish is a fish stick?
Why do they call them man-eating sharks? Don't they eat women too?
Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?
Why is it that when you pick out the fish you want in the pet store they can never catch that one?
Since all mammals have to drink liquids, what do whales drink?
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitos?
Why is it that mosquitos buzz around your ear first before they bite you? Do they just want to make sure you know they are there?
What do you call a male ladybird?
Are female moths called myths?
What did moths congregate around before light bulbs were invented?
Why do some women shave off their eyebrows then paint them back on?
Why don't we get goosebumps on our faces?
Why is it called a haircut when you get them all cut?
Can a person with no eyebrows really look surprised?
Why does blonde hair turn real dark in the water?
What does your tongue taste like?
What does the inside of your nose smell like?
If you perm your hair twice in opposite directions, does it come out straight?