Friday, September 12, 2003

Tech Ed

The yearly teched is gonna happen....this month...and as i told you earlier its for 3 months spanning each day and since being an MVP got a huge 100% discount ...Deepak said, there is nothing called as free lunch. So MVP's who would want the discount should do some pre-read articles....

Yes!! completed it i think i would be attending teched...its gonna be fun..But its going to happen in Chennai...I thot this would be the best reason to go to blore...but alas microsoft also ditched me this time :(

Web services from Microsoft

The Web Service is an XML Web service that will enable you to integrate information and services from MSDN, Technet, other sites, and Microsoft Support. As a way to test the new architecture, we present version 1.0 of the Web Service, which allows you to integrate information about the top downloads. Future releases will build on this architecture to provide access to a broader variety of Microsoft content and services

for more info... microsoft web services site

if i had been a dog

You have completed the test; your score is

Your score is 5!

1-5: Terrier. You're a lovable doggie.

Its teh same site ......which is just below in 3 or 4 articles ! u

A 31-year-old Philadelphia government employee's surgery is just a radical example of how obsessed some women are to wear excruciatingly painful, but fashionable, shoes, according to an August Wall Street Journal report. For about $10,000, the woman had one toe shortened and another straightened so that now she can wear today's ever-pointier, open-toed pumps. Among podiatrists' other remedies: narrowing of the nails; collagen injections to pad the soles of the feet; and a $225 "foot facial" scrub. But when a Moline, Ill., woman told her more traditional podiatrist that she needed corrective toe surgery, the doctor said, "No, you need different shoes." [St.Paul Pioneer Press-Wall Street Journal, 8-17-03]

am i a cheater

sic..when it comes to her the girl whom i love ...seems i cant even cheat ..

How odd!! Lax...why do you trouble me like this..... I would like to sue you for being in my mind troubling me every day,night and even during my dreams... I wish i would free myself from your thots by marrying you....

Why dont people understand .....

anyway , this is what the cheating test gave my score !!

Your score is: 3

0-5: Is your pet name "Old Faithful"? It should be. Just remember that being loyal doesn't mean you can't have any fun. You can look, but don't touch.


I took a flirt test ....gee!!! uff!!

Your score is: 7

6-10: You're a smooth operator when it comes to flirting. But unless you're James Bond, you need to take an occasional break from oozing sophistication to let loose and have some fun!

Thank goodness, this site saved me from embarassment !!

flirt test

wierd Thots

Weird Thoughts

Do fish get thirsty?

What happens to the fish when lightning hits the water?

What part of a fish is a fish stick?

Why do they call them man-eating sharks? Don't they eat women too?

Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?

Why is it that when you pick out the fish you want in the pet store they can never catch that one?

Since all mammals have to drink liquids, what do whales drink?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitos?

Why is it that mosquitos buzz around your ear first before they bite you? Do they just want to make sure you know they are there?

What do you call a male ladybird?

Are female moths called myths?

What did moths congregate around before light bulbs were invented?

Why do some women shave off their eyebrows then paint them back on?

Why don't we get goosebumps on our faces?

Why is it called a haircut when you get them all cut?

Can a person with no eyebrows really look surprised?

Why does blonde hair turn real dark in the water?

What does your tongue taste like?

What does the inside of your nose smell like?

If you perm your hair twice in opposite directions, does it come out straight?

hypochondriac test

seems my score is -3

-5-0: You're the opposite of Michael Jackson. You're like a gladiator. But bodies have weaknesses from time to time. If you push yourself too hard day in and day out, eventually you?ll fall prey to a serious, long-term illness. Take some time to get to know your body. Admitting weakness is a sign of strength.

geek!! i am happy not to be a hypochondriac

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

A nice article
After a long time, i read a wonderful article on how to recruit people. An eye opener to many of them